I’ve been noticing as #grannyyy gets more recognition that we all seem to be answering the same questions about it over and over. So, I decided I would create a #grannyyy FAQ blog post to fix this problem. Without further ado, here it is!
What is #grannyyy?!
#grannyyy (also called just “grannyyy”) is a group of friends who met through YouTube and like to do awesome things together, hangout on Google Plus, and start projects to decrease worldsuck.
Who is in #grannyyy?
Granny currently is an unknown number of people. We YouTubers who chat on skype, occationally have blogTV shows, do G+ hangouts, and make videos. I’m not going to put a list because it would have to be constantly updated. The best count we currently have is the list of 40 members attending Vidcon 2012, but there are probably 20 or more that are not on that list. (If you are in #Grannyyy and are not on that list, fix it here.)
What does #grannyyy actually do?
Essentially, we have no designated reason for being together as a group. Since grannyyy is just the name we gave our group of friends, we could continue on just being friends! However, we have been known to do projects. It started with #danplan (where we became friends with an awesome guy named Dan) and has grown as far as project #bennifriend (the goal of which was to contact Benni Cinkle from the “Friday” video). To this day, there has not been a #grannyyy plan that has failed.
Excluding the projects, though, #grannyyy is support. We all talk (mainly on Skype, Twitter, and G+ hangouts), comment on each other’s videos, and tweet incessantly at each other. We support each other however we can and are constantly opening the eyes of our friends to the wonders of the internet.
Is ______ the leader of #grannyyy???
NO. There is no leader of #grannyyy. I don’t know how to make this more clear. Although there are people in #grannyyy who do a lot of organizing, that is a character trait. It is not because they hold some sort of special office in #grannyyy. Everyone in #grannyyy can start projects and there is not one person who is superior in any way! Even the 13 original #grannyyy members hold absolutely no superiority. All people are created equal and all members of #grannyyy will treat others with respect and like an equal or they will face serious talks from their friends.
Where did the name come from?
The name was a joke from a JonGarcia live show. There was an attender in the chat whose name was “GRANNYYY”. JonGarcia greeted them and tried to get them to talk, but they did not speak the entire show! However, everyone took it upon themselves to start saying “GRANNYYY” nonstop. It soon became an in-community meme, if you will. When I began creating a group for our circle of friends in Your Pants, I asked on a live show what our name should be. The response was an overwhelming amount of “GRANNYYY”. And so it was!
Can I join #grannyyy?
Absolutely! Being a member of #grannyyy is similar to being a nerdfighter in that if you want to be, you are. However, it does take a little more than that. You cannot just start saying you’re a member without having friends in Grannyyy. A member of #grannyyy is expected to:
Be friends with other members of Grannyyy.
Be a content creator or an active viewer.
And care about others in the group.
If you can meet all of those qualifications, then you are a member of #grannyyy! Welcome! Now go meet everyone!
I am going to add myself to the list, tentatively. I would love to be part of the group and I am friends or acquaintances with a fair number of other granny members. I need to spend more time on google plus to get to know you all a bit better. Also, I am looking forward to real life hangouts at VidCon.