Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Opinion On SlashFiction

I'm going to keep this brief, but I just had some things I needed to get out.

Because of the recent increase in #Grannyyy slashfic, I felt I should tell you WHY I am opposed to it.

SlashFiction, by definition, is creepy. However, it is an art in some way and those who want to partake are welcome to! But I feel it should be done with characters. Characters cannot be hurt by slashfiction or made uncomfortable. However, people can.

It is because of this opinion that I think that #Grannyyy members should have to give approval for SlashFic before it is written. I do not think that it is right to just assume that people will be okay with it or, even worse, not care if they are okay with it or not.

I don't care if GrannyyySlashFic is written. I do care if it is written about unwilling participants.


  1. Yea, permission should be given. I think Kimber and Hayley did talk to the guys involved before writing there's, though. At least I know with Hayley, slash fic between the 3 guys in her story was a constant joke at Leaky.

  2. Totally agreed, slash fiction has the word 'fiction' in there for a reason, it's meant to be based on current fiction, not real life, hence the disclaimers in regular fiction. I wouldn't personally want to see my name/likeliness get used in fiction, let alone slash fiction because it's where a line gets draw and offence can be made, regardless as to whether it was unintended or not.

  3. I agree with you Kym. Permission should be required because, and here I'll sound like a hypocrite, but while I thought it was funny I know I'd be uncomfortable if it were written about me. But I do know that Kimber's was part of a dare and Hayley's was, like Ruth said, a big Leaky joke.

  4. Yeah - even if someone (especially someone I didn't know that well) used me in a regular story without asking I might still be a little creeped out, and slash fiction would be even worse
