Sunday, April 10, 2011


There has recently been some stemming confusion around the title of #grannyyy.
There has also been some complaints within #grannyyy about adding new members, feeling left out, and becoming a label.
Now, although I understand the concerns, I do not share them.
The first thing I'm going to address is my line that I wrote on the grannyyy group in your pants that states "you must be friends with all members of grannyyy".
Now, I completely understand that this could come as some confusion as everyone has their own interpretation of the word "friend". I believe more what I was going for was "you must be friendly with all members of grannyyy" or "you must be civil to" or "nice to". My point was just that we do not attack within the group and we do not want any disrespect.
I don't expect everyone in grannyyy to have the same feelings about what grannyyy is. I've heard from many different members what it means to them. Whether it be a group of friends, a support group, or just the name given to a set of very different relationships, we are all very different people and therefore see it differently.
As for people feeling left out, this is something that cannot be helped. There is no reason anyone should feel that way because grannyyy is an open and loving relationship between friends. It is true that I can't say I feel the same about some of you as I feel about others, but can anyone say that about any group of friends? Of course not! And it's madness to expect that! If you feel left out in grannyyy, just talk to some more people! Tweet at them! Leave a comment on their video! Skype! There's literally infinite possibilities as we are all very internet-obsessed people. :P
Ruth (irissel2007 / @rutheday) is a very recent member of grannyyy and she gave her opinion on what grannyyy means to her:
"I feel like I'm a bit of an outsider since I haven't been here since the beginning, but I just thought that the name GRANNYYY was just a name we used to identify ourselves with this group of friends and to help us organize to get bigger things done. Like, I might meet someone that doesn't know who I am but if someone mentions that they are a part of GRANNYYY then we know that we have a lot of the same friends. Also, it's a name that can become recognizable to people outside the group.... Does that all make sense? Basically, I didn't feel like the label mattered internally, but was more useful as an external tool/way of identifying ourselves to people who don't already know us."
In my opinion, this is how grannyyy started. This is what it means.
I'm sorry that that meaning is getting lost.
And I wish I could fix the unhappy feelings you guys are having about the name.
But there's nothing I can do.
Not that there should be, because this battle that is happening about unhappiness in grannyyy? It's a personal thing. I still feel the same about all of you. Nothing has changed. I love each of you individually, in your own way, and collectively as a group.
Grannyyy is, after all, just a name.
My relationships with each of you are what really matter.
So stop fretting over it. :)

*These are my OWN opinions. I cannot speak for the rest of the group. Nor am I trying to change anyone else's opinions. Just expressing my own.


  1. I think this is true. I think part of it is also that a lot of us were there when the grannyyy joke first began, while so many others missed out and only heard the legendary tale. I don't know if that makes a difference, but I think the people that were included as part of the group of friends after it was pretty well established feel like they aren't as included as they think they should be. I don't feel that way. I know you guys are around if I want to chat, but it has seemed a little less grannyyy busy for me this week.

  2. Well, this wasn't *exactly* the point I was making when I made my video. My main concern is that people will begin (and are already starting to) focus on the idea of being in "GRANNYYY" and the name "GRANNYYY" rather than the relationships and the friendships they make.
